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Saturday, May 7, 2011

The abandoned Apple Tree

By now you think I am some sort of freegan - which I guess I am to a certain degree as I REALLY hate seeing food going to waste.  We regularly go to our local club where Himself is a volunteer and cooks the Friday night BBQ (he laughs and teases me about my "need to feed" but I think that he has caught it from me).  Across the road from the club was a house (that has since been demolished) with a green apple tree and a peach tree growing on the edge of the property.  I decided that I would go and pick the apples and peaches when they were ready.
Unfortunately I completely forgot to go back until I got a phone call from Himself saying I had better get up there NOW - the demolition crew had commenced work and the apple tree had been knocked over and there were apples everywhere.  I couldn't get there before it got dark, so I very politely requested that he get a cardboard box and put as many apples in there as he could.  Which he did.  I asked about the peach tree but it too had been destroyed and the peaches weren't able to be recovered.
Anyway I had to do something with all of those green apples.  I think that most people know how to make Apple Crumble, Apple Pie, Tarte Tatin and Apple Strudel so I won't bother about those (but let me know via the comments if you would like me to include these recipes) .  I thinly sliced some of the apples and dehydrated them for the kids (and my extra large and hungry third child) to snack on.  I also poached and froze quite a lot in individual portions for school lunch boxes. I have some apple recipes that I regularly use so I thought I would share some of those with you.  These are listed separately to this posting - a beautiful moist Apple and Nut Cake (which we had last weekend for my daughters birthday), delicious Apple cake with Maple syrup and  a twist on Apple Sauce (to go with roast pork which we are having for Mothers Day lunch).

Enjoy and Happy Mothers Day!


  1. I look forward to the recipes that you will post due to all the apples.

  2. Hi Pastry Lady - Hope you like the recipes that are attached as a page - if you would like anything else let me know. I haven't seen any posts on your blog for a while so I guess you have been busy doing other things. Thanks for reading and look forward to reading your next blog entry.

  3. Actually I have been out sick and been unable to really enjoy baking and trying different things. I am hoping to be back to 100% within the next few weeks. Thanks for keeping up with my blog as well.

  4. I hope you are feeling better soon. I know how much you love your baking so you must be really unwell. When you are feeling up to it again you will be so happy to be back in the kitchen cooking for your family and friends.
